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Important Dates for Abstract Submission
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Call for Papers 

The organising committee of the 8th AFC Medical Conference Kuala Lumpur 2025 invites speakers/presenters to contribute to the Scientific Programme through submission of abstract for Symposiums / Free Papers Sessions (Podium and Poster) on the following themes:

1. Sports Science & Sports Medicine

2. Traumatology

3. Orthopaedic

4. Physiotherapy

5. Football & Health

6. Anti-Doping

7. Sports Imaging

8. Rehabilitation

9. Applied Physiology / Psychology

10. Travel Medicine

11. Safeguarding - Mental Health, Harassments & Abuse

12. Nutrition / Supplements

13. Youth Development

14. Fitness and Conditioning

15. Coaching Methodology

16. Women’s Football

17. Special Consideration - Referee

18. Complimentary Medicine

19. Football & Environment

20. Advance Technology & Innvovation

Guidelines for the Preparation of Abstracts

Kindly follow the submission guidelines closely:

  • All abstracts must be written in English.

  • The abstract text should not exceed 400 words (not including the title).

  • Use Arial font when formatting your text using font size of 10 pt.

  • Tables and graphs may be included in your abstract, and will count towards the total number of words. A graph (JPG, GIF or PNG) equals to 20 words and a table equals 10 words per row.​

  • The abstract must include the following information:

    • Author’s Name

    • Co-author’s Name (if any)

    • Introduction (aims & statement of the problem)

    • Hypothesis

    • Methods

    • Key Findings & Recommendations

  • It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be  reproduced  as typed by the author.

  • Abstracts must not have been published or submitted for presentation to any other national or international meetings. Data used for the research should be current.

  • The Conference Scientific Committee reserves the right to specify what type of presentation format to be allocated for selected abstract (oral, symposium or poster). The presentation type for each paper shall be determined based on the relevance to the conference theme, originality and programme schedule.

Abstract can be submitted via email to Please ensure to indicate your registration number in the abstract form. The abstract will only be accepted once registration fee payment has been made. Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent via email.


For any inquiries, please contact the Conference Technical Secretariat.

8th AFC Medical Conference Kuala Lumpur 2025 

Asian Football Confederation

Sports Medicine Unit - Legal Department

AFC House, Jalan 1/155B, Bukit Jalil,

57000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Fax: +60-3-8994-2689

Tel: +60-3-8994-3388


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